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Trail camera's printed circuit board
A trail camera's printed circuit board (PCB) holds the camera's components, including the image sensor, lens mount, and infrared filter. The PCB is designed to be durable and withstand high temperatures.
Components on a trail camera PCB
Image sensor: Soldered directly to the PCB
Lens mount: Attaches over the sensor and is held to the PCB by screws
IR filter: Part of the optical path for most trail cameras
Motor assembly: Part of the optical path for most trail cameras
PCB design
The size and design of the PCB depends on the type of camera and the space needed for its components
The components on a camera PCB are usually arranged in rows, either vertically or horizontally
The rows may be offset from one another so that they don't overlap
Controlled impedance .
Trail camera's printed circuit board
A trail camera's printed circuit board (PCB) holds the camera's components, including the image sensor, lens mount, and infrared filter. The PCB is designed to be durable and withstand high temperatures.
Components on a trail camera PCB
Image sensor: Soldered directly to the PCB
Lens mount: Attaches over the sensor and is held to the PCB by screws
IR filter: Part of the optical path for most trail cameras
Motor assembly: Part of the optical path for most trail cameras
PCB design
The size and design of the PCB depends on the type of camera and the space needed for its components
The components on a camera PCB are usually arranged in rows, either vertically or horizontally
The rows may be offset from one another so that they don't overlap
Controlled impedance .
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Trail camera's printed circuit board
A trail camera's printed circuit board (PCB) holds the camera's components, including the image sensor, lens mount, and infrared filter. The PCB is designed to be durable and withstand high temperatures.
Components on a trail camera PCB
Image sensor: Soldered directly to the PCB
Lens mount: Attaches over the sensor and is held to the PCB by screws
IR filter: Part of the optical path for most trail cameras
Motor assembly: Part of the optical path for most trail cameras
PCB design
The size and design of the PCB depends on the type of camera and the space needed for its components
The components on a camera PCB are usually arranged in rows, either vertically or horizontally
The rows may be offset from one another so that they don't overlap
Controlled impedance .